How to Choose a Juicer?

Determine what you will juice. A centrifugal juicer is an excellent choice for juicing most vegetables, and almost any fruit. Most centrifugal juices can juice spinach or other greens, but they are not very efficient at doing so. Additionally, most centrifugal juicers cannot juice wheatgrass. If you plan use primarily juicy fruits and veggies, then a centrifugal juicer may be a great choice for you.

Consider the price. Centrifugal juicers are very reasonably priced. This is the primary benefit of a centrifugal juicer (over the more high-end masticating juicers). Centrifugal juicers start for as little as $20, but they may run as expensive as $200. Higher end models can typically handle whole pieces of produce, and yield more juice. Look for a model that fits your budget.

Think about juicing speed. Centrifugal juicers work fast. These speedy machines are excellent for preparing yourself a quick glass of fresh juice each morning. If juicing is something you plan to do often, and if you are short on time, a fast-moving centrifugal model may be right for you.

Look for easy cleaning. The worst part about making juice is cleaning the juicer. Fortunately, with a centrifugal juicer (unlike with most masticating models), the cleaning can be easy! Look for a model that easily snaps apart and rinses clean with minimal effort.

Decide if you can handle some noise. One drawback to centrifugal juicers is that they tend toward the noisier side. The noise produced by the average centrifugal juicer is on par with a typical blender, food processor, or coffee grinder. Fortunately, centrifugal juicers are much faster than other models, so your juicing time, noisy though it may be, will fly right by.


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